crayons and milk

Flight of the BumbleBees June 21, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — crayonsandmilk @ 12:00 am
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Ten little bees who love to sing,
Hitting notes so high, you can feel the sting

First, they practice reading music notes
Then they start to warm up their tiny throats

They love the sound of the classic guitar
And dreams one day to bee a buzzing rock star

You see, my ten little bees love to sing
I rather they do that, then give me a mighty sting!

Pattern: Chem Knits


80 Responses to “Flight of the BumbleBees”

  1. thegirlwithpigtails Says:


  2. Toni Says:

    Sweet! They look so happy!

  3. These are soooooooooo cute! I wish I knew how to knit just so I could make one!

  4. Absolutely love your stuff! You’re very clever…

  5. Lisa Says:

    Those are beeeutiful! I love your poem too!!

  6. These are adorable. I wish I’d found this when my granddaughter was born. Her nursery theme was bumble bees. How beautiful and delicate. Your work is lovely.

    • Thank you!! I’m not a fan of real bees but I love toy bumblebees!! Today, I was at Walmart and saw a large bumblebee dog toy! I was really close to getting it but my little toy poodle is so small and I don’t know if he’ll play with a toy half his size =p

  7. I don’t know what I am more in love with – the bumble bees or your photos featuring them :) Soooo cute … :)

  8. I love bumblebees! These are absolutely adorable!

  9. Looking forward to their debut album! =D

  10. Those are just adorable! And the apples you shared earlier and yummy looking, in a yarn sort of way, haha. Thank you for sharing them and the link to the pattern!

  11. iknead2knit Says:

    So cute!! Thanks for reading.

  12. Victoria Says:

    You are so talented! How in the world do you get all of these darling little creations done? You are a busy bee! :)

  13. reWOLLuzza Says:

    *squeeeeee* They are so adorable! Thanks for sharing them and for those wonderful and cute fotos – they brightened my day.

  14. Northern Narratives Says:

    Wow, your knitted animals are wonderful :)

  15. Ann Says:

    So, so cute! They made me smile instantly, and I just love their little faces.

  16. These are so cute! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog :)

  17. janin dispo Says:

    Ahhh.. Adorable!!!

  18. madebymarly Says:

    Thanks for following me! I love your stuff, it’s so cute and just makes me smile. I appreciate all the time that you’ve put into your projects, and they look like they’ve been sew together with care.

    • Thank you for your lovely comment! I enjoy sewing the toy together more than knitting the toy! Maybe because I’m anxious to finish the project and love seeing things come together. =p

  19. coricutecore Says:

    You take amazing photographs of your knits!
    How many bees did you make? Looks like a lot! Did you get bored of the pattern at all?

    • Thank you! I made a total of 10 little bees and 1 queen bee (the sparkly one). I didn’t bored of the pattern because each bee didn’t take too long to make! So it was a nice fun and small project :D These bees were requested by a mom to her daughter who works in a bee lab so it was a special project :D

  20. NatalieSCook Says:

    Hello! i found your blog after you followed mine! Thanks for the follow! I love your bees and the birds beneath! My mum is crocheting baby blankets and booties for her doula clients, so I have asked her to teach me! It looks fun, hopefully I won’t drop too many stitches! If you have any farm animal patterns/ideas, I would love to know!

    Thanks! Natalie.

    p.s. Can I ask how you found my blog? Thanks!

    • Hi! I like the book Spud & Chloe at the Farm: Susan B. Anderson, it has cute little farm animals and the book tells a story! I like to look at food blogs so I think that’s when I discovered the chocolate cupcake post you published. I find knitting very relaxing and would definitely encourage you to learn :D :D

  21. voxylikes Says:

    this is adorable :]

  22. karendibee Says:

    Hey, thanks for “liking” my blog! ( I love yours too! I love these bumble bees. I have been sticking to crochet lately, but I think I’ll have to get the ol’ knitting needles out again. I have a big tree branch in a pot in my house that I hang various cute things in. I will definitely have to add these bees! Thanks!

  23. Those are super cute!! My daughter loves them too. My other daughter loves ladybugs, have you come across any patterns for little ones of those? A bee and a lady bug would be so cute together as a set! :)

    • HI Lindsay!!!

      I haven’t came across any ladybugs yet! :( But when I do, I would let you know! :D A bee and lady bug would be super super cute!!!! I LOVE the colour red, and I try to use my red yarn whenever I can (hence the little hearts of some of the knitted toys) hehehe

  24. Those are so cute! I have a friend who i a beekeeper, and she would love these. :)

    • Ooooo These bees were requested by a mom to her daughter who works in a bee lab! She has quite a large collection of bee toys! Does your friend collect all sorts of bee ornaments/toys as well?

  25. Frankie Says:

    This is super cute!

  26. heysheila Says:

    Those bee’s are super cute!
    Thanks for checking out my poetry and for the like :)

  27. Krystle C. Says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post – I love these little bees and the monkeys in your profile, will definitely have to try them if I ever get back into knitting!

  28. Pat Says:

    Hello Crayons and Milk! Thanks for the like on my post, not only because it was a very pleasant surprise but also because I was able to found your absolutely adorable blog! Love your toys but my heart got stuck in these charming bumblebees and their “life story”. Hope to visit you again and once again be inspired :-)

  29. These are so stinkin’ adorable! I’m on a kick right now where my husband + I have a little trinket that we take turns hiding around the house for the other to find [think “Elf on a Shelf” style] and these little bees would be perfect to join in on that fun! Love ’em, plain and simple.

  30. Sophie Says:

    Wow! They are soooooo cute!

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